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Monday, April 28, 2014

EMF, very B-A-D

Way back when, in one of my first posts, I discussed an environmental problem that I am pretty sure triggered my cancer. Hours and hours of laptop exposure, in the exact location where the tumor developed, no doubt was a culprit in the growth of the cancer. Was it the only trigger? Probably not. We all know that environmental factors contribute to cancer. Pesticides, genetically modified food, toxins in our air and water, plastics -- the list is long.

We don't see toxins, but they are there. We don't see nano crap in our food, but it is there. Studies have been done, links have been made. One of the worst, in my opinion, is electro-magnetic field radiation, dirty electricity. Our wireless technology is killing us. Cell phone towers, cordless phones, cell phones next to our ears and stored in our pants pockets and bras... they are killing us, rendering men sterile and causing breast tumors. If you haven't seen it, check out the youtube video in my blog sidebar with the descriptor "Keep your cell phone away from your body."

Before I  developed the tumor just beneath my breast (and yes, I say I (moi, me, myself) helped to develop it, with my very bad habit of resting my laptop against my chest wall for hours at a time!), I became very active in the movement to fight installation of Smart Meters in my area. You probably already have one of these not-so-smart devices on the side of your very own home. Not sure? Go outside and check. Since I live in the state of Maryland, I joined a group called Smart Meter Awareness. Their website is loaded with good info about the whole smart meter issue. In their sidebar, they invite you to view a video entitled "Take Back Your Power." It is very well documented and informative. Please watch it. You will learn a lot. You have to rent it to view, but that's because the folks who put it together paid for it on their own and through crowd-funding. Here is their website:

Here is another link with a couple of videos... including some solutions for blocking the EMF radiation from the smart meter (pretty clever!) At the moment, I do not have a smart meter, but PEPCO will be charging me $75 to opt out of the program and I will have to pay a monthly opt out fee. Also, I will still not be protected from the radiation that comes off of my neighbors' meters.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A is for Apricot

B is for B-17

C is for Cyanide (really? yes, really)

I just finished munching on my daily allotment of apricot kernels. It occurred to me that this would be a good time to post a bit about this wonderful cure from nature.

I learned about this therapy way before I had cancer, from a book entitled "A World Without Cancer," by G. Edward Griffin. The book is quite detailed and well-researched and foot-noted. Griffin also produced a documentary with the same title. Again, it is a documentary, not very slick, not meant to entertain, but to inform. Because I have promised to report to so many of you all of the therapies I am utilizing for my cancer, I thought I should include this very interesting video. The most effective use of B-17, or laetrile, is by injection. But alas.... as with so many therapies, it is not available in this country. So rather than trekking off to Mexico, I just munch on apricot kernels, which I can purchase at my local health food store. Oh... and when I eat an apple, I eat the entire core, seeds and all (same benefits as apricot kernels).

Sunday, April 20, 2014


I have to give a huge shout-out to this amazing orange-colored wonder of nature. My mistletoe doc has prescribed huge quantities of turmeric for me to take every day. In addition to having proven cancer tumor-reducing qualities,
it offers many other health benefits (600, in fact!),
including relief from arthritic pain (a problem I experienced prior to my diagnosis last fall)

Of course, you can also cook with it. I add it to sautéed veggies, soups, and salad dressings.

That's my Turmeric Tip for the day!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Horse Sense

Animals are smart. Humans are stupid.

I know, I know, a pretty broad and judgmental statement. But in terms of trusting nature, we humans just don't get it. At least, some of us don't. But there are many -- oh, so many -- who DO get it. They have tried to share their wisdom. Before I received my cancer diagnosis, I was extremely interested in cures from nature. I viewed the embedded video (below) and learned a great deal. At the moment, I am already using three of the "forbidden cancer cures" discussed in this video:

1) The Hoxsey formula. Harry Hoxsey HAD Horse Sense. He literally learned how to treat cancer from a horse. Since no one is allowed to actually market this formula in the U.S., I found a source of the eight magic herbs from nature in a formula called "Hoxsey-LIKE Formula" (Take THAT, FDA!) See the Hoxsey story at about 35 minutes into the video

2) Laetrile, Vitamin B17, also known as Amygdalin. This is a derivative from apricot kernels. It is no longer available in this country. But benefits can still be derived from eating apricot kernels. I have a handful of them every day. (in video, around 1:04 in)

3) Mistletoe -- If you have been following my blog, you already know a great deal about this therapy. In the video, it is discussed somewhere at around the one hour mark (1:09).

In the future, I hope to procure some of the Essiac tea, which is available on some websites.

This video is NOT entertaining. It is rather clinical, not slickly produced. But it is loaded with very good info. Please sit down with a cup of green tea and a bowl of popcorn (organic, non-GMO) and enjoy! I guarantee you will learn a great deal. Get to be as smart as your dog... or your cat... or your HORSE.

Numbers up, Numbers down

We tend to measure everything numerically. 

Numbers up:  Sometimes scoring up is what we want (basketball, football, Scrabble); sometimes down is better (golf). In human terms, we love to live longer (numbers up), even though we hate to admit our age (we truly are "messed up," aren't we?). Last week, my age number increased and the celebration was terrific. Lots of surprises came my way: both of my bros showed up totally out of the blue, Bill from Texas -- Dave from New York; along with my way cool sisters-in-law. I digress.... sorry...

Numbers down: CEA marker (which I will try to explain in another post, perhaps) for cancer is DOWN, DOWN, DOWN. When I was first diagnosed last September, the number was 7.3; this was high and a definite indicator of the presence of cancer. My most recent blood work (mid-March) showed a CEA marker at 3.3; DOWN 4 points! This is huge. My oncologist stated that 3.3 is in the "normal" range for a female non-smoker. 

Tumor size is also diminishing. It is palpable. I can feel that it is smaller, and my oncologist confirmed this. She also indicated that the ancillary lymph node, which had been initially pretty swollen, had gone down considerably.

In early May, an MRI will be done to electronically check things out. Stay tuned, report will be forthcoming.

Links and videos: I finally figured out (thanks to son Nick) how to add links and videos to a side bar. Many of the videos that are embedded in these posts will be added to that bar. Hope you find them helpful.

More later, 'gator!

Betsy's 65th Birthday

Hola, everyone!

I have good news to report in the realm of health (coming later). Meanwhile, I just keep getting older and older (which is the whole point, isn't it?)

My dear children, family and friends got together to compile a quite amazing video to help me celebrate an OLD AGE milestone (according to our benevolent government -- what do they know?)