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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


I know it's been a while since posting, but there has been very little to report.

But progress IS being made, albeit at a snail's pace, or so it feels to me. Had another bone scan last Friday. Results are good: all "shadows" on skull, scapula, and rib (three areas of bone metastasis) are reduced in size. This is very positive news.

So although the cancer is still there, we are making slow and steady progress. Will it ever be gone? No one can assure me of that at this point. But if we are moving in a positive direction, then we must see this as a sign for celebration.

Onward, then, with the treatment. On the 29th of February, I begin Cycle 11 (that's 11 months!) of infusion chemo. I am still tolerating it pretty well; still taking a lot of extra supplementation to boost immune system. Mistletoe has always been at the top of that list; I inject it every other day. Neuropathy is under control with L-Glutamine, twice daily. Many other remedies are in the bag of tricks.

I am told by so many that I am being prayed for and for this, I am eternally grateful.