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Monday, November 7, 2016

November Update

I'm sorry that my absence from posting has caused concern to some of my blog followers. There has really been very little news to report. I am about to begin Cycle 7 of chemo infusion treatments. So far, have had 18 IV infusions in addition to the oral study drug.

Thankfully, side effects are not bad enough to keep me from teaching piano, playing gigs, and singing. Some tummy upset and general fatigue come and go, but I do my best to slog through those times. Having NO hair -- anywhere!! -- is just plain weird. I was forewarned about the head-hair loss and have adapted with wigs and hats. But it's kind of freaky having no eye lashes, no eyebrows, and no NOSE HAIRS!  I find it rather amusing to pinch my nostrils together and they just stay stuck in that configuration for several seconds. Gotta find humor where we can, ay?

My cough is almost totally under control, thanks to understanding the effects of acid reflux. The voice is not totally recovered, but I am happy to report that I am back to doing some singing.

Next scan is scheduled for November 15. Let's hope it shows positive results.

Looking forward to accompanying my grandson Jacob and his family to see a Penn State hockey game this Friday -- in honor of his 10th birthday!

xoxox to all....