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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Dem Bones

In the past three weeks, I have had two scans, a full-body CT scan and a full-body bone scan. The previous CT scan showed some improvement to "shadowy" tumor areas. However, previous bone scans have not shown any progress -- until now.

Get this, folks: the latest bone scan showed NO NEW areas of metastases; in addition, the report showed a diminishing (!!) of most of the previous bone shadows. great.... news. It means that we are on the right track in treatment protocols.

So.... although the tumor areas have not been completely eliminated, progress has been made. I will be continuing with chemo infusions. For how long? Can't say at this point.

I am tolerating the protocol pretty well. I do get tired and occasionally feel loopy, but am able to continue playing church gigs, singing, and teaching. I have begun experiencing some neuropathy in the left hand. It is possible my naturopath will recommend increasing my intake of L-Glutamine, which is the supplement that helps counteract the effects of hand and foot neuropathy.

Many have wondered how I have been able to tolerate 8+ months of chemo without experiencing extreme side effects. I credit my naturopath M.D., who has helped me manage a heavy course of supplementation to counteract the side effects of chemo. I actually take a supplement to "up" my white- and red-blood cell counts; and another to help lower blood pressure. I take six mega-multi-vitamins daily, vitamin D-3, black currant oil, melatonin, colloidal silver, calcium...... and on and on the list goes. I am even taking THC oil (cannabis oil). And, of course, I still give myself mistletoe injections every other day to bolster my immune system.

Living a relatively normal life -- in my case, this means making music and being with all my musician friends -- has been key for my survival. And, of course, prayers and plenty of good vibes from everyone have made an impact; of that I am certain. Thank you, all, for your support and love.
