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Monday, August 24, 2015

Tijuana Travels

Yup, I know. Long time no blog. Progress WAS being made in the cancer department. No news was good news. So now that you're hearing news, it's bad, right? Well, yeah, sorta.

I was chugging along pretty well. But things starting going downhill in May of 2015. Cancer blood levels started to elevate and my oncologist and I decided to keep an eye on everything. But at beginning of August, I noticed that breast was enlarged, red, swollen, blood work was terrible. C-T scan showed a lot of new activity.

My first reaction was: okey doke, I'm ready for that bi-lateral mastectomy we've been putting off. Let's book a surgeon.
Doc said no way, they first want to attack with chemo.

Well, those of you who have read the first entries to this blog know my feelings about western medical-style chemotherapy! And if you are new to all of this, it might be wise to go back and revisit from the first post way back in October of 2013, just to get some perspective about the road that I am traveling.

Because these western-trained docs seemingly have no other option to give patients other than massive doses of chemotherapy, I have pulled Plan B out of my bag of tricks: Mexico. There is a clinic in Tijuana that offers many of the protocols I have researched extensively and have been dying (pun intended... sick Reed humor) to try. It's been quite a scramble in the last two weeks to set everything up, but somehow everything is falling into place. I have contacted the clinic, made hotel and plane reservations, and have procured a passport.

I don't want to go into lengthy details at the moment about my upcoming treatment - want to keep these posts short and read-able. I will post periodically with updates.

Meanwhile, my bags are (almost) packed and I'm ready to go (PPM) :-)
I will be leaving on September 6, returning on September 26. The adventure begins!

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