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Friday, October 23, 2015

October Update

It is difficult to post to this blog with frequency when I am in a "holding pattern," which is the case at the moment. Day to day, now that I am back from the clinic in Mexico, there just isn't much happening!

I have visited both docs, my regular oncologist and my mistletoe doc in Baltimore, both of whom were pleased to see that my physical symptoms have improved. I am lucky to have an oncologist who is, if not enthusiastic with and accepting of the alternative path of treatment I have taken, at least tolerant of it. She asked what my Mexican doc thinks about doing a follow-up CT scan; she agreed with his advice to revisit this (a scan, that is) in early December, to give my present protocol time to hopefully further my progress. Having frequent CT scans is NOT good for the body.

In discussing the results of my Greek test with my mistletoe doc, she is looking into changing my supplementation. But for the most part, she has combined her recommendations with those of Dr. Alvarez. This means I am taking a boatload (!) of supplements every day. The regimen is a bit overwhelming; many are taken with meals, many without, all at specific times of the day. It's a lot to keep track of!

Diet is key, of course. Lots of fresh veggies and fruits, smoothies, very little animal protein, no alcohol, no coffee. Still doing the daily coffee enemas. Have now added hydrogen peroxide (food-grade) baths to de-tox and to oxygenate the cells transdermally.  Daily sun-bathing to up my intake of Vitamin D is also in the protocol, weather permitting. Love these sunny October days!

I am looking into hyperbaric oxygen therapy; also looking for practitioners who offer IV Vitamin C.
According to my Greek test results, my cancer cells are "sensitive to" vitamin C; taking it orally is very rough on the stomach, so IV therapy is preferred.

I am back to singing and piano-playing gigs, as well as piano teaching. The routine is welcome, but I miss that proactive feeling I had of "doing something!" each day in Tijuana. I am feeling good physically and all those little bee-sting sensations on my right side are totally gone. Inflammation is almost non-existent.

I love Saturdays. That's the day I inject myself with my own cancer vaccine that I brought back from Tijuana. I am so very grateful that this new therapy exists and that I was able to find a physician who could make it happen for me.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Adjusting... and preparing for Change?

It feels good to be home after my intensive 3-week cancer therapy in Mexico. It is taking me a while to adjust -- back to church music gigs, back to teaching piano students, back to preparing my own meals, back to twice-daily dog-walking, back to ROUTINE. It was a bit confusing at first to re-configure my supplement schedule (some with meals, some without) and to get accustomed to daily coffee enemas (now, THAT was an adjustment!).

My personal vaccine supply, which needed to remain cold on my flight home, did arrive safely and (thank goodness) nicely chilled, although my backpack was a bit soggy upon arrival at BWI. The night before leaving Tijuana, I spent a rather sleepless night creating an "ice bed" for the vaccines in the hotel bathtub and keeping the ice supply fresh and cold. I had to make a long trip down the elevator, outside and to the opposite end of the pool, to retrieve ice from the hotel's ice-maker. After my first trip doing this, there was no way I could get back to sleep. Meanwhile, I had asked a hotel clerk to store my ice pack in the restaurant's freezer so that I could keep the vaccines cold on my two long flights home. It was a bit touch-and-go as I was checking out... clerks had a bit of difficulty locating the ice pack; but it finally showed itself, thank goodness.

My first in-home inoculation occurred last Saturday, with the help of son Nick. I find it almost miraculous to think that I have my very own cancer vaccine in my fridge. The supply will last for 13 weeks.

And now a new wrinkle in the sheets: I received via email the results of the "Greek Test" (see previous post about this). The results are quite confusing and rather technical; but upon first perusal, it is obvious that many of the therapies and supplements I had been using, while beneficial and therapeutic for most people and many cancer patients, are not actually the best choices for me and my malignancy. After I meet with Dr. Grundmann to re-evaluate, I will add more detail to this subject. I am preparing myself for the fact that much of what has been put into place will change based on this Greek Test.

Many have asked: "So how ARE you?"

I am feeling fine. As for progress, yes there has been some: in the physical attributes of the cancer. Dr. Alvarez was extremely pleased to see swelling and redness diminish. Also, the little shooting pains I had been experiencing have almost completely disappeared. For now, this is all we have to go on. The final blood work showed some anomalies that the doc attributed to the body throwing off a lot of toxins and lysing of the cancer. During my entire stay in Tijuana, my blood pressure registered in the normal range; before, it had always been on the high side. According to the doc, this is usually because of the IV Laetrile.

More to report after doc visits next week. Thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes from all of you. Trust me, they mattered!!