A lot of people have children as accidents of nature; maybe they never wanted any in the first place. Yup it happens. But more likely than not, once that child arrives, he/she is welcomed and loved and nurtured and celebrated. Amazing, isn't it? What we thought we didn't really want or need becomes the fulfillment of a dream.
Some may plan -- for years and years, sometimes -- to have a child. They crave the joy of holding that infant, changing that diaper, playing with that toddler in the backyard. The children come and that joy is fulfilled.
I am a mother. I have two children. I was among the "planners." I wanted the family, I welcomed it, I dove into the role headfirst. It was wonderful. I am lucky to have seen my children grow into successful adults, contributors to society and making a difference in the world.
I also have two terrific grandsons, the miraculous result of having a child who, in turn, wanted children. What a bonus!
Now.... here is the best reason of all to have children: They will reflect back to you what you have been to them -- they love you as much as you have loved them all of those years of growing up. Many jokingly refer to this as "payback."
Today I am calling this THE GREAT REWARD.
My children, Erin and Nick, are rallying around me as I go through my pain. They have descended upon me this weekend like teenage groupies on a boy band! Vacuuming, shaking out rugs, changing sheets on beds, sorting mounds and mounds of papers, sorting supplements and meds, food supplies, and clothing. My daughter is the queen of organization. My son has already done a yeoman's job, learning how to flush my PICC line with saline and Heparin, accompanying me to doc visits and medical procedures, applying "bio-freeze" to my aching back, figuring out how to download forms for handicapped parking tags. At the moment, he is scrubbing the bathroom floor as Erin continues to organize the kitchen and prepare food. When I "had" my children, I really had no idea what angels of mercy they would become.
Children -- why do we have them? They give us something to care for; and they care for us. They learn from us; and we from them. What better reason?
Your amazing children are a credit to you as a mother. Payback it is. You deserve all the care in the world.